Monday, February 23, 2015

Khari Baoli

Spices have been the backbone of India. Being the number one Exporter and producer of the commodity, there is no surprise wars have been waged for the very same thing and even a British Colonization that lasted three centuries.

One of the largest markets for spices in Delhi, Khari Baoli has way too much to offer than a person can even explore. There are shops that have been selling a specific type of spice for generations or shops that offer the most exquisite kinds of spices one has never even laid eyes on or heard names of. The attraction here isn't just the prices that are substandard and very reasonable but also the versatility of shops, the range of spices and quality offered. One can't find these off the shelves of a convenience store near their locality or at a Supermarket.

The shopkeepers explained to us how the spices are mostly bought from all over the country where they are grown and sold in the market. Many even have plots growing specific kinds which are sold at the shops and as most of the spices aren't really seasonal, business runs throughout the year with no hindrance except for the monsoon.

The interior of Khari Baoli is lined with almost 50 odd shops that offer a lot more than one can even imagine buying. The streets are dingy, one must hustle past the caravan traders and bearers who leave their wares and sacks of spices for the shops to buy. 

One of the interesting things I liked here is the freedom you get here to talk to the laborers who transport all the spices and goods to and fro. The concept behind it all enthralls you and also appeals to your conscience on how they are paid miserly for their efforts. All in all the time we spent exploring Khari Baoli was very fruitful and inspiring driving us into the opportunities one can pursue from the market and its concept. 

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