Conversations usually begin with common ground in most cases or an acquaintance of each other.
At Khari Baoli, the only thing an outsider can find familiarity with would be the spices and herbs due to their importance in every aspect of the Indian cuisine. Finding common ground here can be difficult as such and the maahol combined with the busy routine of the laborers carrying sacks of spices up and down make the prospect of a conversation seem near to impossible.
Luckily for us and our timing, we reached a shop right on the entrance of the spice street that offered us an insight to the shop. The owner who sat along with his employees had just opened the shop to business and began acquainting us to the vast kinds of snuff tobacco he sold. He also admitted to being one of the sole sellers of this kind of tobacco in the entire of Delhi and that the tobacco sold at his shop came from all parts of India not just any in particular.
When asked which brand was preferred the most or sold the most he replied, "No particular brand is sold the most but yes, the one preferred the most is definitely 5 Photo snuff and after that the 6 photo snuff."
His shop as a total of 4 laborers employed who help him in the setting up of the produce as well as bringing the produce from god downs or traders. The most amount of business that happens is during the festive season as wholesale buyers flock the market to buy as much produce as they can.
Considering most of the tobacco snuff is flavored, we asked him whether the ones he sold were as well to which he explained, "Most of them have up to 23 fragrances and come in different flavors which directly depend on what the consumer likes and prefers."
To get an insight to what age group bought snuff the most he said, "There is no certain way of explaining this apart from a demographic aspect. But right now there is no such particular age group that buys it the most. Everybody comes here and buys the one they like the most."
As India has a number of manufacturing company's of tobacco snuff despite the rareness of the product, we also inquired whether they exported to which he said that they exported through various export houses. Ending the conversation at what an insightful experience it was he also handed us his business card and addressed our other trivial queries.
When asked which brand was preferred the most or sold the most he replied, "No particular brand is sold the most but yes, the one preferred the most is definitely 5 Photo snuff and after that the 6 photo snuff."
His shop as a total of 4 laborers employed who help him in the setting up of the produce as well as bringing the produce from god downs or traders. The most amount of business that happens is during the festive season as wholesale buyers flock the market to buy as much produce as they can.
Considering most of the tobacco snuff is flavored, we asked him whether the ones he sold were as well to which he explained, "Most of them have up to 23 fragrances and come in different flavors which directly depend on what the consumer likes and prefers."
To get an insight to what age group bought snuff the most he said, "There is no certain way of explaining this apart from a demographic aspect. But right now there is no such particular age group that buys it the most. Everybody comes here and buys the one they like the most."
As India has a number of manufacturing company's of tobacco snuff despite the rareness of the product, we also inquired whether they exported to which he said that they exported through various export houses. Ending the conversation at what an insightful experience it was he also handed us his business card and addressed our other trivial queries.
The author must be appreciated for getting a considerable amount of information from the shopkeeper without having any commonality or acquaintance. Though, as a suggestion, it would have been beneficial if a few more shopkeepers were interviewed about the customer groups and the hazards of tobacco.